Health is deteriorating quickly

At least, that’s how it feels.

It’s been months since I had a “proper night’s sleep,” due to multiple sources—such as my daughter kicking me at night, the cats starting a fight, and my suffering from massive headaches. On top of that, since about March of this year, I need to go to the bathroom quite often during the night.

I have had mild tinnitus for at least a year, where I constantly hear a high-pitched noise, but I have learned to live with it, so it doesn’t bother me very much.

Recently, I’ve also developed some dental issues, the pain from which sometimes wakes me up.

All of this has led to a morning blood pressure of around 160/100 (somewhere in that range).

I guess some drastic steps need to be taken to get this problem back in order, as it is also affecting my work performance and the ongoing task of catching up with some EnFoid clients, which is taking far longer than I had planned.

The dental problems have an easy solution: I need to go to the dentist.

However, the other sleep issues may be more complicated. I have ordered Corn Silk and Dandelion Tea, which I hope will help alleviate some of the problems. I am trying to cut down on coffee intake, switch to these teas, and in the process, get better hydrated.

Commitment is one of the factors that may slow this process down, but I’m working on it.

on top of this, I really need to stop smoking, but this is a whole different challenge since I don’t truly want to, which will make this journey a lot more difficult.

well as a first step(s), i will go get me a batch of Concor 5 and Ponstan 500 to get the immideate situation under control.
then go see a dentist (have to work out some financials for that first) .. and try the Tea-solution for a few days, since i have already ordered them on shopee, the dry Dandelions were suprisingly cheap.

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