Camera Security levels

i have multiple cameras in and outside the house.

it’s not really a security thing in terms of the area we live in, more a convenience thing so to speak.

one of the cameras is in my home-office (the one you can see on the right), so since iam quite freestyle’ish and not really want pictures of me walking around nude or whatever, i made a small system that checks multiple scenarios first before providing a live picture.

so many, in fact, that i need to document it in my code (which is not really do normally on my own projects)

so here we are, the code checks for:

  • me having a active draft on (means i’m actively trading)
  • me streaming live (meaning i be seen anyway)
  • ctrader publishing my realtime positions (i made a small feature that allows to publish my realtime trading to
  • when a actual trade is active
  • or just turn it off and on as a setting

just some nonsense i do when i have a sec of time to tune things.

there are also two “default” pictures on the server that are loaded when the internet connection to my house is disconnected, to prevent broken images.
they are displayed depending on sunset times as i have a day and a night picture stored. they also have a clear overlay, so its easy to see that the picture is just a placeholder.

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