Thailand Drone Regulation

you most likely know the synonym “TIT” and the Meaning around this phrase, its the same with Drone Regulation around here.

the law is pretty clear, but that doesn’t mean everything is Marshmellow & Kumbayah!
the text below is my personal interpretation of things, i will cite original sources as good as i can.
Note that ALL English Written text (including on the official websites or written documents) is not deemd legal,
the english texts are for informational purposees only! only the official documents that matter are the ones written in Thai language.

Here is the Regulatory text from CAAT Drone-Regulation (Local Copy, PDF) [Original Source | CAAT Drone Website]

Thai Regulators may call a Drone “RPA” (Remotely Piloted Aircraft)
but in the Regulatory documents, it’s also referred to UAV or in full Remotely Piloted Aircraft in the Category of Unmanned Aircraft.

also Important to know that there are Multiple Government bodies that govern Airspace, Regulations and Rules regarding Flying a drone.
there may have different regulations than the CAAT (Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand) with DOT (Department of Airports) which are under Ministery of Transport but the Ministery itself may have its own set of rules on top of that (it’s a good thing as you will see below), also the Military may have some comments on your flying as well [more in that here under Restricted areas]
Radio Equipment needs to be registered as well which is controlled by yet another Government body called NBTC (National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission).
different sources may all be official but may have different standpoints or regulations regarding the same topic.

Regulations in a Nutshell

Permission/Registration (it’s not the same!):

  • Toys do not need Registration with CAAT [it is however unclear what does qualify as “Toy” at this point]
  • Hobby Aircraft up to 2Kg require Registration, Aircraft above 2Kg, no exceeding 25Kg requires written permission.
  • Reporting, Traffic, Media, Press, Photographing, filming, TV Programs, research, or other purposes require written permission.

Hobby Pilots have a General Permission by the Minister of Transport if:

  • The Aircraft does not exceed 2Kg
  • The purpose of the flight is pure recreational such as a hobby, entertainment, or sport.
  • Registration with CAAT and NBTC is still required!

The Pilot:

  • Hobby Pilots must be at least 20 years of age (18 with parental guidance)
  • The pilot can not have Criminal records regarding Narcotics or Customs.

pre Flight:

  • Aircraft must be in good condition to fly.
  • Permission from the landowner must be obtained!
  • a Plan-b must be present (no, just disarm is not enough!)
    the plan must include: dealing with accidents, medical and technical care.

in flight:

  • no harm comes to Persons, animals, or Property.
  • not disturbing others (keeping the peace)
  • not violate other’s privacy
  • respect “no-fly-zones” and Restricted areas [more details about Restricted areas here!]
  • Line of sight is Required (monitors/googles do not count)
  • no flying in clouds.
  • 90 Meters Maximum Altitude off ground level.
  • 30 Meters Minimum Horizontal distance to peoples, vehicles, constructions, or buildings.
  • not flying over cities, villages, communities, or gatherings.
  • not flying near Manned Aircraft.
  • carry of dangerous goods or weapons (including lasers) is a federal offense.


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