DeGoggle’ing (not as easy as some may think)

De-Googling (Ethical Alternatives to things hard and software) more DeGoogle

This is NOT a anti-Google Rant! it’s about finding a balance.

My focus is on shifting to ethical service providers and products while handling tasks independently when feasible.
lot’s of keyboard worriers will chime in with some nonsense like “just use Linux” or some other no-brain stuff, but this topic is far more complex than most of this type of people like to admit.

sure in a perfect world where you are alone in the internet, yes, by all means, but since we all share a common ground, there is a compatiblity layer that needs to be respected, plus the fact that not everyone is into change that much, so the trick is to find a balance between those things.

Sometimes, using a monopolistic system may be more convenient and functional than piecing together isolated alternatives. In upcoming posts, I’ll discuss specific scenarios and solutions.

Some Brainstorming about this topic;

  • Why not just use Linux

The Initial Hitlist:

The Keep-List

  • Apple
  • Bertels Media

This post will be updated as things progress, i will tag al hard and software posts regarding this movement with DeGoogle

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