BBW Neckargemünd

SRH Berufsbildungswerk Neckargemünd (Reha Zentrum)

Basically, a business school now, which I did attend from 1993 to 1997.
Back then this was a different place, the real estate hasn’t changed much, but the business certainly has.
However, I have no interest in addressing these changes, besides the social impacts of the shift in society during that time, which I could experience firsthand,
this was however unrelated to the institution itself, but to society as a whole (more about that later or on a different page).

I just want to use this post to outline the time, experience, and lessons I gathered there.
Some may see that as a mellow thing, but I can say with all my heart, that those years were the best of my life, and I’m very grateful for that!

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